If you are a millennial, you grew up with Harry Potter. Whether you read the books, or saw the movies, or did neither, you cannot doubt that Harry Potter surrounded your life. The franchise was everywhere. Some may say that it was not a good thing, that it was too dark for children and too full of the devil's magic, but most would agree that it taught us, as a generation, something good about being human. For me, Harry Potter got me into reading. The novels introduced me into the joys of reading for more than just school work and that I could, hopefully, make a career out of it later in life. It also taught me that it's okay to love books. Hermione was my role model; still is actually. She is who she is and does not try to change herself for anyone's personal enjoyment. When I would get bullied for reading so much, for being a bookworm, I remembered Hermione and stood my ground. I wouldn't let some ass who was bigger than me tell me that I couldn't do what I love...