13 Reasons Why Young Adult Novels are Good for Society

Hey guys! So I am going to go into my thirteen reasons why I think Young Adult novels are good for the world. These are going to range from the trivial to being more serious reasons. So without further ado, here we go.

1. Young adult novels are good for all ages. For actual young adults, they can help through times of change. Many of the characters are the same age as the young adults reading them. And while their problems may be on a much larger scale, there are still the social issues they have to navigate through in their own lives that the young readers may be going through in their own school.

2. Adults can relive their youth. Yeah, I know, this one's pretty cliche. But it's true. Maybe they're re-reading one of their favorite series from when they were in high school and it brings back the warm and fuzzy feelings they had getting their friends into the book. Maybe they are reading about young adults who had the same issues they were going through when they were younger but there was no literature on those subjects when they were younger. Maybe they  just think young adult novels are more interesting than the adult novels that are full of businessmen and women trying to seduce each other. The world may never know.

3. When the world seems to be ending in your life, you can pick up a book and be temporarily transported into another. This becomes a kind of adventure that will take you away from the world's actual political issues and into a world of world annihilation that will most definitely be solved by the end of the series! (Yay for conclusions and semi-happy endings!)

4. DIVERSITY! I have not seen another genre or age group that has as much diversity in it. Not only is there racial diversity (even more coming out next year which is going to be so amazing!), but also gender and sexual diversity. This is important, especially since these are geared toward the younger readers. It is letting them know that being different in these most basic ways is completely okay and should be accepted by everyone. It is also a way to introduce other ways of life to people who are not exposed to it and to (hopefully) make them more understanding and accepting.

5. These books don't have a set gender who is supposed to read them. More often than not, these books are read by any gender identity without issue. Boy narrators are read by girls. Girl narrators are read by boys. There aren't really the same gender stereotypes there were just ten years ago.

6. These stories are beautiful. Whether they are heart-wrenching like Extraordinary Means by Robin Schneider or they are just extremely beautiful in the language used like in the Raven Cycle series by Maggie Stiefvater. These books are meaningful and will find a place in your heart and in your mind for years to come. 

7. These are universally acceptable. The books are full of coming of age stories, right? And there is no question about the young adults reading them being able to find themselves in these books. But adults are able to as well. News flash: you never really stop growing up and having to learn new things. I am a college graduate and I am in the coming of age stage into adulthood. Rereading some of these young adult books is reminding me that I need to be accepting to changes, open to the idea of learning new ways to look at problems, and to adapt to the world around me. All of these things are found throughout young adult novels!

8. It is bringing back generations of readers. Not only do these book rock in terms of the stories and the compelling characters and all that, they are also getting young people back into reading. It's like these are a gateway into loving literature. People will go out of their way to find time to read these books now. I know myself (and my friends) will actively set aside time to read almost every day. For me, this started with the young adult novels. Now, it's just a part of my routine, no matter the book. But getting people interested in reading again is boosting literacy rates in all ages and is bringing back book sales!

9. It can inspire others to find a passion in creative activities. Some may find this in the form of writing their own books, or poems, or learning a new skill that their favorite characters are able to do (like painting or baking). All of these things are important because it is allowing them to have an outlet that is for them. They don't have to do it for a specific reason or person other than their own enjoyment. This will help cut down on stress and, by taking your mind off of a problem you have found yourself against, you may actually find the solution!

10. These books are accessible to all, but can also introduce challenges. If people are learning how to read a new language, these novels are written much simpler than the average classic or adult novel, but will still introduce more difficult topics. I know there are some books I have been reading and I have to either look up a word or a concept because I had never heard about it before.

11. Young adult novels can often shed light onto many serious topics, including, but not limited to death and abuse. Teens today are seeing a lot more about both of these on the news and some even in their own homes. By giving them an outlet to see how to deal with these things, literature can be helping them to get help for their problems. They can see how death affects people and possibly learn how to deal with their grief. And possibly by seeing abuse on the page and understanding it is wrong, they may be able to get the help they need to get out of an abusive or manipulative relationship they find themselves, a friend, or their family in.

12. They are fun. Yes, some may rip your heart out because of all of the feelings it forces on you, but you will still find you love the book. Like I have said, these are very well written, the characters are compelling, and the stories themselves are just plain good. And most of the time, through all of the pain and the suffering, there will be the fun and light moments. Plus, you can find others like you through the fandoms and make friends, art, and bonds you may have not had previously.

13. Narratives such as novels like 13 Reasons Why can be adapted into series like they did for Netflix and open up other people's eyes to the issues that young people go through. Bringing attention to suicide is showing the older generations that they need to take an active role in their children's lives. Make sure to listen to them when they say something bad is happening. Do not let them brush something off and say it's no big deal, because for all you know, they just need someone to rant to. 13 Reasons Why is showing a darker way that people may deal with bullies and those who hurt them, but it is showing the psyche of someone who has been brought to the brink and was not able to be saved.

All in all, this is not a genre that should be shunned by the world. Adults shouldn't have them as guilty pleasures because there is nothing to feel guilty about when reading these books! They are full of life lessons that can be learned by all age groups! I honestly think that young adult books have the power to change the world one reader at a time.

Those are my thirteen reasons why young adult novels are good for the world!

Let me know what you all think in the comments below!

As always, you can find me on social media at dsbookie on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and GoodReads!

I'll catch you all next time!




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