What Harry Potter Taught Me

If you are a millennial, you grew up with Harry Potter. Whether you read the books, or saw the movies, or did neither, you cannot doubt that Harry Potter surrounded your life. The franchise was everywhere.  Some may say that it was not a good thing, that it was too dark for children and too full of the devil's magic, but most would agree that it taught us, as a generation, something good about being human.

For me, Harry Potter got me into reading. The novels introduced me into the joys of reading for more than just school work and that I could, hopefully, make a career out of it later in life. It also taught me that it's okay to love books. Hermione was my role model; still is actually. She is who she is and does not try to change herself for anyone's personal enjoyment. When I would get bullied for reading so much, for being a bookworm, I remembered Hermione and stood my ground. I wouldn't let some ass who was bigger than me tell me that I couldn't do what I loved. So I kept reading and eventually they got bored.

Neville taught me that the most heroic actions can be standing up for what you know is right, even if it is against your friends. He taught me that friendship is so very important and that when you genuinely care about someone, you take care of them, even in the smallest of moments. He showed Harry how to win part of the Goblet of Fire. He would not have been able to think of how to breathe under water. I know I can rely on people to help me through my issues when needed.

We are human, we are going to make mistakes. Whether it be a small mistake like forgetting your phone on your desk at home, or something bigger, you are going to fail at some time, but you will recover from it. Harry makes mistakes all the time in the series, and he still ends up happy.

Loss is something you can move on from. Look at Luna and her father. Her mother was killed, yet they both find the joys in life. Yes, they are a bit strange, but they are happy with who they are and they are fiercely loyal.

Some may not think this is a good trait, but I learned to question authority. Like Harry does when the Minister of Magic is being a complete dumbass, I question when people in authoritative positions are doing questionable deeds. If you see a teacher obviously playing favorites or berating a specific student all the time, you speak up. You do not just blindly follow what they do, especially if you know it to be wrong. That being said, younger people can be very influential and have insightful thoughts. They do not necessarily have nothing to say because they "lack experience."

The series, in general, taught me how to deal with the darkness in my life. From the deaths of family members to anxiety and depression, Harry and his adventures allowed me to explore these emotions through adventures. Death is a part of life, it is inevitable, and you can either be scared of it and live in a bubble for your life, or you can accept that it will happen eventually and live.  Yes, I was terrified at times reading this series, but I got through it because I knew everything would be alright in the end. I know that isn't a guarantee in life, but it does help with the living a bit.

Remember, "Happiness can be found in even the darkest times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."

This series taught me so much more that, unfortunately, I do not have the time to go into right now, but these are some key ideas that I found throughout my reading of Harry Potter that have stuck with me throughout my life.

The first book came out when I was three, I started having it read to me when I was five. And yes, it was dark and I did not understand all of it, but it was so magical that I immediately got sucked in.

Harry Potter taught my entire generation how to be a better person through friendship and love. It helped them understand and deal with mental illness, or at least get help with the process. It taught them that what they do, even if they are not the chosen one, is important. So yeah, to say Harry Potter changed my life may sound like an over exaggeration, but it's true none the less. The series shaped my life and I don't think I would be who I am without it.

What are your thoughts on the Harry Potter franchise? Did you agree with any of my points? Let me know in the comments below!

As always, you can find me on social media at dsbookie on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads.

I'll catch you next time!




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