Bullying Happens: So What Should I Do?
If you ever went to school with other people, you probably saw bullying. It may have happened to you, or a friend, or a classmate, but it was there. It seems like it has always been there. No matter where you turn in literature or film or television, there seems to always be an underdog that the "popular kid" will pick on, belittle, and physically hurt. So this is in our media and our real lives. Obviously. So what is this post about. Well, I can tell you it's not going to be a mushy post about me talking about my experience with bullying and it's not going to necessarily be me calling out people who have bullied, no matter how much I want to. No, this post is going to be directed at the people who stand by. Now before you exit out of this tab, let me just tell you that I am not going to lecture you and tell you that you always have to step up and intervene in the most direct sense. I am not telling you that you must be the hero and get yourself hurt for someone...