Annihilation: Conquest Book One Review

Annihilation: Conquest Book One Kieth Giffen (272 pages)
My Rating: 3.5 Stars
Date Read: 5 January 2017


The next sci-fi epic blasts-off here! In the grim aftermath of the Annihilation War, a devastated universe struggles to rebuild. Gripped by fear and paranoia, civilizations have collapsed and entire worlds are now smoking ruins. What is next for the battle weary heroes known as Nova, Peter Quill and Quasar? What are Ronan's plans for the once-mighty Kree Empire? Which cosmic characters of the past are about to return? Who is the new hero approaching on the horizon? And what is the new threat that no one suspects?

Collecting: Annihilation: Conquest Prologue, Annihilation: Conquest: Quasar 1-4, Annihilation: Conquest: Starlord 1-4, Annihilation Saga

My Review

These guys can't catch a break, can they?

So, plot summary: Sentinals are destroying the Kree empire. Starlord (aka Peter Quill), Heather (aka Moondragon, Drax's daughter) and Quasar (aka Phyla-Vell) are saving the Universe with the help of some friends.

We get the origin story for why Peter Quill quit being Starlord which was interesting. He had to kill a world to stop a Herald of Galactus.

I loved seeing the meeting of Groot, Rocket Racoon, and Starlord. I love them in Guardians of the Galaxy, and it's great to see them all as disfunctional and loveable in the comics as they are in the movies.

We were also introduced to Mantis, Captain Universe, Bug, and Shi'ar all of whom I did not know before this comic. They all had to stop an airborne virus beign spread by the Phanlax.

Heather (Moondragon) and Phyla-Vell (Quasar) have to beat an adaptoid working for the Phanlax and is distributing the same virus Starlord and crew had to stop on a Kree planet.

I love that they are a lesbian couple. It is great to see some representation in a popular series.

Moondragon becoming a dragon was epic. And I loved finally getting her whole backstory.

So Moondragon and Quasar had to find the savior, who, of course, is a guy. His name is Adam Warlock who I have no idea who the hell that is. I just wished that it could have been a female as the savior instead of a guy. But hey, it was still good!

Overall, this was a pretty cool comic, and now I have to get the second one.


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