January Life Update

Hello All!!

Long time, no update! I have decided that I am going to do an update at the end of each month instead of a weekly one, as you can see.

Some changes are coming to the blog soon! I will be starting to make video reviews more instead of only doing text reviews. I will be starting making them this weekend and doing about one per week. I will mainly be doing reviews, but I may throw in some other book or Disney related videos into the vlog! I will post them on my Youtube channel: dsbookie as well as a link on here in a post of its own.

Okay, so onto what has been happening this month! I have been reading quite a bit, I got a total of eight books done!! A great start to the year, if you ask me! I am trying to read about six or seven books next month as well, which I will post a list of the books I am planning on reading at the end of this update!

Movie wise, I have been watching a lot of documentaries, so if you know of any that were interesting or you think I should watch, feel free to comment down below!

It has been a very busy, but productive month. With getting ready for my last two quarters of college and looking into internships and jobs for the future, you can say it has been a bit hectic, but I have loved every second of it. Well, every second that I didn't have a cold!

Okay, so I think that just about does it for this month's update! I hope you all are doing well!!

XO Dana

PS. These are the books I'm planning on reading in no particular order: A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir, Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, The Love that Split the World by Emily Henry, The Princess Bride by William Goldman, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame, and finally Worlds of Ink and Shadows by Lena Coakley.


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