Gabriel Review

Gabriel: A Poem by Edward Hirsch (86 pages)
My rating: 4 Stars
Date Read: 11 November 2016


Never has there been a book of poems quite like Gabriel, in which a short life, a bewildering death, and the unanswerable sorrow of a father come together in such a sustained elegy. This unabashed sequence speaks directly from Hirsch’s heart to our own, without sentimentality. From its opening lines—“The funeral director opened the coffin / And there he was alone / From the waist up”—Hirsch’s account is poignantly direct and open to the strange vicissitudes and tricks of grief. In propulsive three-line stanzas, he tells the story of how a once unstoppable child, who suffered from various developmental disorders, turned into an irreverent young adult, funny, rebellious, impulsive. Hirsch mixes his tale of Gabriel with the stories of other poets through the centuries who have also lost children, and expresses his feelings through theirs. His landmark poem enters the broad stream of human grief and raises in us the strange hope, even consolation, that we find in the writer’s act of witnessing and transformation. It will be read and reread.

My Review:

This poem was extremely sad to read. It is about a boy who died and the father who is mourning over the loss.

The boy, Gabriel, had many illnesses and was often overlooked in society. Since they were not illnesses one could see, he was not treated the way another ill person may be: in a way to help them rather than just write them off.

I enjoyed this poem, for the most part. It was heartbreaking to see the decline in the relationship between the father and son.

This is definitely a poem about mourning, but more than that, it shows the helplessness of beign trapped in that mourning. There is a sense of immortality for a parent when a child dies. It is not something that, naturally, should happen, yet it does. Hirsch brings in allusions to other famous people who have lost their children, and attempts to deal with the grief by  looking to an example.

In the last few stanzas, there is the disbelief that comes with the loss of your child. It is as if you will see them in just a few moments. Like they will walk through the door and not actually be gone. Hirsch does an excellent job capturing this grief in the little moments. Like when the speaker is driving down the street and expects to see Gabriel reading a menu at some restaurant. Or at the funeral itself, where there should be a note of finality, it is left open because of the expected return.

I really enjoyed this book. I think if you, or someone you know, has been going through mourning, it may help to pick up this poem to know that you are not alone in your grief. That other people are going through the same thing.


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