Purgatorio Review

Purgatorio by Dante Alighieri (416 pages)
My Rating: 4 Stars
Date Read: 28 April 2016


Dante (1265-1321) is the greatest of Italian poets and his DIVINE COMEDY is the finest of all Christian allegories. To the consternation of his more academic admirers, who believed Latin to be the only proper language for dignified verse, Dante wrote his COMEDY in colloquial Italian, wanting it to be a poem for the common reader.

My Review:

I enjoyed reading this part of the Divine Comedy the most so far. In Purgatory, there seem to be even more historical connections, but instead of telling them that they have no redeeming qualities, there is more a theme of hope. It was refreshing to see that not everything was just damnation and a lack of sorrow. There was actual repentance in what they had done. Plus, Virgil gets put in his place more often in this part because he does not really know Purgatory as well as he knew Hell. It was interesting to see how Hell and Purgatory were so different--they had some things exactly opposite from each other. It will be cool to be able to see how Purgatory will be different from Heaven.


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